How to Leverage Email Marketing to Increase Your Sales

Author: Arkadeep Chaterjee | I believe in the power of ideas. Good writing always prevails. It is all about understanding the purpose that the content aims to serve. My strong suite is research and analysis which enhances my writing skill and brings forth the best portrayal that any thought deserves. Coming to work, I have been an academic writer, a technical writer and am currently working as a Sr. SEO writer.
Published Aug 21, 2024

When Ray Tomlinson sent the first mail to himself in 1971, little did he know it would become a powerful tool that helps mankind communicate. Today, email marketing is a widely used practice that allows marketers to reach their prospective clients or potential leads. But email marketing for sales is evolving at the speed of light and you need to stay up on all the latest practices to be a master at this game.

Email marketing works in a rather simple way!

For example, if you sell a product like a book or a piece of furniture, email marketing essentially helps you approach the people who might be looking for what you’re selling. Digital marketers can lure your potential customers by sending them captivating emails that serve the purpose of promoting your product or service. 

As a profound business owner or a budding entrepreneur, looking up the right prospects, building an email list, and strategizing emails can be a gruesome task. Thus email marketing steals the stage with a structured method to approach clients and educate them about your offering. 

A tactfully strategized email marketing campaign can be a game-changer for brands. Often people feel overwhelmed by the complexity of email chains, but let us assure you that it is as simple as sending an email for a leave application. It is about connecting with your customers and showing them the benefits that can be derived from your offer. AI tools and email marketing specialists can help you achieve a campaign strategy that is in alignment with your sales targets. 

This article extensively outlines the world of email marketing, its purpose, and best practices,  helping you to decide upon the ideal email campaign for your business needs. We will tell you what email marketing is all about, along with a step-by-step guide to creating your own email campaign. We have also brought together some great stories of effective email campaigns from around the world. So let’s jump in. 

What's An Email Marketing Campaign & How Does it Increase Your Sales?

Email Marketing is a unique way of reaching out to clients and potential leads, in turn driving sales or generating new leads for the business. Sending a unique string of emails to reach your target audience and converting potential leads into sales, is an ingenious process that can be pretty elaborate and effective. 

Top 10 Reasons Why Branding is More Important For Your Business than Ever

To unlock the full potential of your email marketing campaigns, you must get your point through with the right blend of words. No one likes reading long emails and a sales pitch within it. Your message should be upfront and should tell the reader how the deal benefits them. 

We believe in show and tell, so let us help you visualize how email marketing for sales can be beneficial and effective.

  • Straight To Your Customer: Email is an inevitable tool that surely lands in the inbox it is aimed at without any physical barriers. Since it reaches a particular person, it has an element of personalization that can be used to resonate with the value of your client. 
  • Convert Leads Into Ardent Buyers: Email strategies usually involve a chain of messages that drives a person to act upon their need. This is a key factor while executing email marketing for small businesses since each client is valuable in such cases. 
  • Establishing a Dashing Brand Personality: Each email marketing sales funnel inadvertently contributes to the persona that your brand wishes to convey. Use it to give your customers the right idea about your product or service while explaining your uniqueness in the process. 
  • Influenced Traffic & Website Engagement: Even if a person does not buy your product or service off the bat, emails can easily convince a person to click and visit your website, driving traffic towards your website along with positive SEO factors. 

Now that you have an idea of the advantages that email marketing for sales presents, we can begin to unravel the legendary process that has been proven to work whenever employed! The purpose of this article is to ensure that you know every aspect of this marketing medium before taking a leap and trying it for your own organization. 

How To Setup Your First Email Campaign: A Step-By-Step Guide

Setting up your first email campaign can come with its own challenges. To prepare you for whatever lies ahead in your marketing journey, we have brought together a guide that will comprehensively provide you with everything that needs to be done to launch a wholesome email campaign. 

Step 1: Define The Purpose Of Your Campaign

Each email marketing strategy that is aimed toward sales, tries to clearly state the offer, benefit, and pricing of your product or service. This is because the purpose of any specific email campaign differs based on the kind of product and company that is advertising it. Jot down the goals and objectives that you wish to achieve with the campaign before you start the process. 

Step 2: Narrow Out Your Target Audience

Knowing whom to pitch is half the battle! If you know the kind of people who would be interested in buying your product, you can shift your focus to marketing your service for them specifically. When your service aligns with your target audience’s needs, nothing can stop your email campaign from converting sales aggressively. Knowing your target audience can thus be an unavoidable aspect of the email marketing process. 

Step 3: Ascertain the Right Email List

Choose and filter your leads smartly and try to determine the number of clients that are most likely to buy your product. Once you get the final list of emails, the chance of your product getting sold increases along with it. There are several methods to get the right leads including opt-in forms on social channels, AI-Lead hunting tools, etc. 

Step 4: Single Out Your Email Marketing Platform

The internet is brimmed with email marketing platforms and tools that can help you to execute an automated email marketing campaign. It is very necessary to know about these platforms and use their features to boost your campaign results. Mailchimp, SendinBlue, (our personal favorite), and others, provide feasible options to conduct email marketing for sales in the right way!

Step 5: Smash The Bar with Sparkling Content

Even the best email marketing software for sales would fail without the right content. Words can have an everlasting impact when written in the right way. Write the correct email in a tone that connects with your customers and leaves a resounding mark on them, forcing them to feel the need for your service or product. 

Step 6: Add Visuals That Set Them Ablaze!

Add an element of visual imagery that conveys your value and offering. An image directly imprints a lot of information onto the reader’s mind. A person would only buy your product when they know about it and understand its implications. Use graphics, design your whole email, and highlight the solution that you are here to offer!

Step 7: Automation Is Key!

Setting up systems is a very necessary step of the way. Customers like interactive and prompt businesses. Staying put around the clock is an impossible task that can only be achieved with the help of automated systems and tools that can tackle your customer’s queries. The email platform you choose will allow you to cater to your target audience’s specific needs. You can pick any good email marketing example for sales and you will notice a trend of automation that is persitent. 

Step 8: The Art Of Scheduling – Knowing The Right Time!

Within the span of a day, there is an ideal time slot when your target audience would most likely read your message. Proper research about your client’s psychology and demographics will enable you to time your emails optimally. Feature relevant content based on the time that you are scheduling your email, this quick tip can help your customers relate to your brand identity instantly.

Step 9: Analyze Your End Result

Without this step the whole process of executing the campaign becomes void. Check out your reply rate, and use A/B testing methods to increase your chances of conversion in accordance with the response that you will receive from initially running the email marketing campaign. Analyzing the results of your campaign also points out the aspects that can be improved by you and helps you to attain a better understanding of the whole process.

Step 10: Mine For More Leads – An Ever Growing Email List!

Keep adding to your email list; always! As you add new prospects to the list, it proportionally increases the chances of sales. Email marketing for ecommerce sales majorly focuses on an ever-expanding list of emails, adding on to user retention. This finally results in a higher conversion rate since your brand awareness has already been deep-seated into your customer’s psychology. 

Now that we have spoken of this comprehensive method of launching your campaign, let us lead you to some tips and tricks that can help you level up your campaign’s impact. You can automate this whole procedure using some of the best email marketing automation platforms on the internet. Choose the right one for you and just start off! 

Let us stride on some quick tips that will help you optimize your email marketing strategy for sales. 

Tips & Tricks to Optimize Your Email Marketing for Sales Targeting

Have you ever wondered how a business would collapse without sales? Well, email marketing is a pillar of sales that has been known for its efficacy. We have enlisted below some of the best practices and event marketing tips for sales that can help you drive desired results through an email marketing funnel. 

  • Subject Line That Engages Your Audience: One of the most useful tips, undoubtedly a necessary evil in the email marketing world. Your subject line can potentially hold your audience in its place and deliver your message. The reason for this is that catchy subject lines stun the readers and make them more curious about your mail’s content. It is a fool-proof strategy if you choose to apply it. 
  • Personalize To Touch The Heart: Every bit of your effort can be noticed by your customers when you can strike a chord within their hearts. As your customer relates personally to your product or service, they become more likely to choose, even while considering other competitors. Use storytelling techniques and hook-lines to provide a powerful message to your customers via mail. 
  • State Your CTAs Clearly: Keep your CTAs information-centric and directly on top of your email content. Steal your reader’s attention by designing graphically alluring CTA buttons and adorn your email with them. 
  • Know Your Leads Inside Out: Conduct extensive research on your target audience, even through the email marketing process. Forbes magazine has a beautiful article on the same topic, where they speak about using clients to conduct your market research. Directly approach and ask your customers, “What could be better our my product?” or “How can our service be of more use to you?”. Getting a response can help you delve into the minds of your potential customers directly. You can read more about Forbes’ take on email marketing practices and have another set of amazing tips that can help you optimize your email marketing for sales
  • Befriend The Mobile Interface: Ensure that your emails are easily optimizable for the mobile screen. According to the Upland blog, 61.9% of email opens in the year 2023 were on mobile phones. Hence, it would be extremely significant to ensure that your email looks stunning on a mobile screen as well. 
  • Maintain Your Brand’s Face: Keep your design, content tone, and flow uniform, helping your readers recognize your mails and their premise instantly. It makes setting the stage for your pitch easier and let’s admit it, it seems more professional too! Abide by the brand’s guidelines and you should look like an upstanding business trying to offer its valuable services. 
  • Approaching Abandoned Carts With Quick Automations: Free email marketing tools might not allow you to avail this function, but with a paid email marketing platform you can easily automate emails to reach your customers whenever they leave their shopping cart behind. Service-based companies can even follow up with personalized mail showcasing the exact ways that they can help the person they are approaching. 

Leverage email increase sales by using these tips and make connections that can bring you, longstanding clients. Keep in mind that there are other aspects of email marketing for sales. Below we will be discussing some of the services that can alleviate your marketing strategy beyond your competitors. Knowing the right strategy, albeit important, is not the only factor that decides the fate of your email marketing campaign. However, keep going through this article and you will find the way to have a super successful email marketing campaign that drives unsurmountable sales figures. 

Best Email Marketing Services: Creating Magic Through Communication

The easiest way to reach your sales goals through mails is by using email marketing paltforms that handle it seamlessly for you. Each of the below-mentioned email marketing platforms has its own USPs and this list will help you understand which email marketing tool could benefit your business the most. 

  • Mailchimp
  • ConvertKit
  • MailerLite

In my opinion, these are the best email marketing platforms that are available in the industry. Each of these email marketing websites individually, drive thousands of dollars in sales. You can use their free packages as well if you would like to get the hang of it before you make a financial commitment. Some of the email marketing tools service offer a free plan and we will let you know which ones you should surely try if your aim is to drive sales through emails. 


This website is as suave as it gets! Their user interface and groundbreaking automation are just some of the reasons why you should definitely try out their services. They are considered the leading email marketing platform and using it can really take your conversion rate through the roof. Moreover, the best part is that they have a free plan which allows you to check out the scope and use case of their service before purchasing a full-scale package. They provide performance marketing techniques like A/B Testing, smart segmentation, and automated chains that have several intuitive templates. It can also be claimed as the best free email marketing tool for sales and has been known to bring results for its users efficiently. 


  • Amazing free plan for you to explore. 
  • Automation that can blow your mind. 
  • Several template options to shuffle through. 
  • Data-driven reports and useful insights. 


  • The free plan has a limitation on the number of people added to the mailing list. 
  • It can get expensive as you increase the size of your mailing list. 
  • Customer support has been reported to be laggy by some users. 


If you are a creator or a blogger, ConvertKit is your one-stop shop to set up a highly-performing email marketing campaign. This email marketing platform also provides unique features like a landing page builder that also comes with templates. This website truly bends the definition of customer-centric features and is known for its amazing capability to integrate with your favorite tools. ConvertKit works with all your tools including Zapier, Hubspot, WordPress, and more, enabling you to cross-integrate your workflow. This can come really handy for you if you are a creator or an influencer as this email marketing service comes with a lot more features.


  • User-friendly interface, especially for content creators. 
  • Feature-rich application with apical form creation functions. 
  • Monetization options are available.
  • Free Plan available for Beginners. 


  • Not-so-great Analytics.
  • Customization options are very limited in the free plan. 
  • Cannot be used if CRM support is required.


This intuitive software creates seamless workflows and is prolific among small businesses and creators alike. It is a great platform for pitching your prospects and getting ahead of the game with a website creation option which has a drag-and-drop editor; now doesn’t that sound great? MailerLite has a very feasible pricing range and therefore is recommended highly for small-scale businesses looking to create an online presence. Their drag-and-drop edit allows you to create visually flattering emails that can convert your clients by placing your product in the right way. This tool is a must-have for people who are starting their email marketing journey out since it also provides a free plan which has extensive capabilities. 


  • Industry Unique Drag & Drop Editor.
  • Automated workflows and email personalization options.
  • Forms and Landing Page Builder.
  • Promising Pricing and features. 


  • Limited Performance Analytics. 
  • Lack of Clarity in Analytics & Reports. 
  • Lesser Integration Options. 

How To Use Email To Increase Sales? - The Expert’s Guide

We have told you about the steps to succeed in your email marketing endeavor, however, the things that experience can teach you are invaluable. We have brought together a list of expert tips that will allow you to channel your email marketing efforts into proper sales and conversions. Our list has been curated from various sources and the expertise we have gained as a blog in the digital marketing space. Here are the tips that will boost your email marketing sales funnel into overdrive!

The topics that are mentioned below require thorough understanding and contemplation to create an email marketing plan that works for you! 

Build a High-Quality Email List - Quick Ways To Optimize Your List!

The mailing list is your manifesto for more sales! Thus, having a targeted list of emails would be more beneficial for your business. Knowing the person whom you are about to pitch your idea allows you to calibrate your plan optimally. That is why verified, high-quality leads can be the sole reason that an email marketing campaign succeeds in converting a high percentage of its leads. Some of the ways that you can improve the quality of your mailing list are listed below:

  • Get Info By Placing Lead Magnets: Give out an offer, a free ebook, or maybe just sign people up for an interesting newsletter. Creating engagement within your email marketing campaign allows you to collect more information and in turn, gives you a premium list of your target market clientele. 
  • Run Contests On Your Social Media: As a business, you can run an offer on your social handle and ask people to sign up using their email. This gives you a great database of potential clients that are all interested in what you’re selling. From then on, everything is downhill. You will end up with a fine list of marketable emails. 
  • CTAs For Joining Mail List!: Make your CTAs extra special and let your website visitors know, why signing up to your mailing list would be a great idea. Pitch them the customer connection and allow the customer to come back to you when they really require your services.

Segmenting Your Email List & Why It Is Important

Segment your mailing list refers to creating groups of people with similar demographic factors so that you can resonate with them on a more specific level. This is very important since personalizing your email pitch can surely affect the way your customer responds to your email. Statistically, it has been reported that campaigns that have implemented proper segmentation have a better success rate, up to 760% more! 

Here are some benefits of segmenting your email list into apex target groups. Also, understanding the secondary or tertiary groups of target audiences can help you pitch your services with an offer that might persuade them. Let us get into the technical benefits of having a segmented mailing list that is well-researched. 


  • You will get invaluably better open rates since the person you’re sending the mail to is already interested in the niche that you are pitching your services in. Better open rates directly contribute to better conversions because people will buy your unique proposition only when they actually know about it. 
  • Reduced unsubscription rates can be expected out of segmentation. Even if a person does not jump onto your offering, since they are in the same market as you are operating in, it is most likely for them to allow your second mail to land in their inbox as well. Just to check out what’s in store!
  • You can expect boosted conversion rates, as we have mentioned before. That is because you are voicing your abilities and offering to the people looking for such an offer or product. You can pursue people over longer times since they’d be interested in what you have to say and that’s something that every business should capitalize on!

How To Segment Your Mailing List?

Segmenting your mailing list is easy when you know how to divide your audience and understand their specific needs. Below are a few supple categories that you can divide your mailing list in. You can also let AI tools like, or other lead-generating AI tools to get a hold of a segmented mailing list. Here’s a sample of how you can divide your mailing list when your objective is to execute email marketing for sales

Demographic Stats: Age, gender, geographic location, income. 

Interests: Frequent Usage of websites, hobbies, preferences, lifestyle choices, and product taste.

Purchase History: Purchased products, products viewed, carts abandoned, buyer groups.

Engagement Level: Open rates, CTR, website activity, analytical information, performance marketing information.

These points of segregation will allow you to get a viable list of contacts that can serve a campaign focusing on email marketing for ecommerce sales, high-end luxury brand sales, email marketing for small businesses, and much more! The possibilities are endless. Every day marketers come up with new and more innovative ways to pursue a customer through appealing emails.

Crafting Compelling Email Content: The Main Ingredient For Campaign Success

Your email marketing strategy can never be unstoppable without the right email content. Knowing the right words and imagery that can resonate with your target audience is as important as it gets! We didn’t want to leave you hanging without telling you our best tips and tricks to craft the msot amazing email narratives that convert and drive sales for your business. So here we go!

  • Email Structure & Scannability: You must be prepared for the fact that people might not go through the whole content of your email. Hence, structuring your emails in a way that they can be easily understood just by scanning through headers can be a quick way to convey your message to your email subscribers. 
  • Resonating Visual Imagery Always Wins The Game!: “A picture says a thousand words”, the words of Fred R. Barnard resonate even in the field of email marketing for sales! Your graphics and visuals can portray your message in a quick and engaging format and thus it works really well when you need to increase sales with email marketing. 
  • Hit Those CTAs: The importance of proper “Call-To-Actions” cannot be emphasized enough. However, the tip would be–to create captivating CTAs and place them all over your email to drive your buyer’s psychology towards conversion. 

A Piece To Conclude With…

The world of email marketing is vast, and the technique itself presents a scope that can be potentially diverse. Marketers prefer to have clear and alluring emails sent to the right prospects to drive sales from email marketing campaigns. This article can help you understand the basics and jump into experimentation where you will learn more about the reader’s psychology and the marketing tricks that can make your buyer click. With this guide, you can easily launch an email marketing campaign that can bring in more business for your firm. Introduce new hook lines, create curiosity with subject lines, and most importantly mail, know your target audience and you will be good as gold. You will find several other resources on the internet that will allow you to understand aspects of the email marketing game. However, this article builds a solid foundation and outlines what you need to know to succeed in email marketing for sales.

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